The Beautiful Hypnobirth of Lee

Our journey Into parenthood started much like most others. SURPRISE!!!! My partner and i took a while to get on the same page and with limited family support attended Hypno Birthing with Alana. I put to practice new learnings and instincts that Alana was able to affirm and was blessed with a supportive partner and perfect birth. Yup. Literally perfect. Wouldnt change a thing.

During pregnancy I practiced listening to my body and positioning for birth daily. I referred to the reclined position as the “Forbidden position” in our home as it was not optimal for me and bub and was hard to see my spouse in. I used my hypno tracks to wind down after work and relax into sleep. I sat back wards on my work chair as needed, swayed and spoke to my bump as though he was already out and about. I explained to a co worker who looked at me like I was crazy ” ill be hypnobirthing, just having a chat to bub, he’s having a wriggle”. This pleasantry was quickly followed up by some negaitivity towards the concept of pain free/pain managed birth goals to which i responded, well if bub was out and about and crying i wouldn't ignore him, this is no different , he is having a move around and might like some attention. We were so connected.

In the weeks before birth the external pressure began to build. 38 weeks arrived, talk of a membrane sweep, increased monitoring, friends who had birthed and there opinions, opinions in the community ” oh you must be so over it by now” but I wasn't. We were enjoying some time together before i had to share him with the world. At every visit I was lucky to be supported by a midwife who believed i could do anything when i provided my birth plan stipulating no pain relief. no talk of pain relief. Minimal interruption. Leave me alone to have my baby she didn't for a second doubt the plan. As the “Over due” mark started to come around I continued to ask questions and decline anything that didn't feel right. Bub was head down where he had been comfortably for weeks, there where no concerns and frankly not enough reason for me to be prodded, monitored or literally poked.

Kate delivering her own baby

The day of the birth. I woke around 4am for the loo, feeling a little different i stated to my parnter. I think the baby is coming today. 9:30am , our pre booked appointment with the midwife. Still feeling a tad uncomfortable and now at 41 & 4 days i finally agreed to a vaginal examination. 2cm dilated, all is well.

We returned home, i listened to music, cat Stevens to be precise and spent time between surges cleaning walls, the position on my hands and knees felt natural, the walls kept me busy. As surges increased i moved to focusing on the music, held my self in a squat position and continued to breath. Now a couple of minutes apart it was time for hospital. 2pm – I arrived and was again examined 4cm this time.

Bonding begins

My midwife assuring me as she prepared the bath. The water was instant relief. I spent the rest of my labour in the tub. I felt warm and protected in my bubble. My partner midwife and student midwife were present in the room and very hands off. From here birth is a hypnotic blur. Breathing came naturally, my midwife sat back. My partner fanned me the whole time with the birth book! On my hands and knee’s breathing baby down the room was silent.

Exactly what i needed, only after the birth did i find out there was chit chat the whole time ! I was in the zone i didnt hear a thing! I was able to check position of bubs head and inform the midwife. Only occasionally would she lean in for bubs heart beat before again giving me my space. i stated under my breath – “Ok, its time now” talking to my soon to be born baby. Time for the big push, Silent but breathing heavy the whole time the earge to cry out over came me – If your worried about sounding like a cow … moo away. Best pain relief ever!!

Bonding begins

Proud supportive partner

Bubs head was out – I looked to my midwife and asked ” oh fuk.. do i have to do that again?” With all the clarity in the world i heard the following instructions.-The next push wont be so hard, don't hold bubs head still just support it. The rest is up to him you’ll feel him wriggle himself out. Just like that – a surge, a wriggle and a push feeling from the inside my baby was born. I took him to my chest.

No tears from me, no tears from bub, peaceful. In F he just made a hoot kinda sigh, we didnt hear anything like a cry for days. We were both so content. I rubbed his back with a towel as prompted and was supported to a bed with my baby. The whole time baby in arms.

I felt so grateful to be empowered through hypnobirthing and my midwife that I thought she was joking when i was offered panadol for after pains. We welcomed Lee at :5:26pm that same day.

Bubs first meconium poo on Mum. Parenthood begins.

Dad cutting the cord after delayed cord clamping

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